Last night I attended my first area job networking meeting. I believe the time was well spent. I obtained quite a few contacts with contacts in the Atlanta area who may or may not be searching for someone with my qualifications. The guest speaker was Jim Stroud who is an IT recruiter at Google. Topic was "Blogging Your Way Into Your Next Job". Pretty interesting since that is what I am hoping will happen! I actually ran into an ex co-worker whom I worked with at Security First Network Bank. It was so good to see her. Seems though, that her position was eliminated so she is also looking for a position. I hope she is successful!Unfortunately the dogs were crated the whole day and night, so when I got home they were so happy to see me! They are wonderful animals. So flexible, it seems and so willing to please, like most dogs! It's a complete turnaround from the cats and their behavior!Tonight I have kennel duty which means I meet another volunteer at the kennel to let the greyhounds waiting to be adopted out for their last potty break for the night. This is something I do two nights out of the month, along with my Meet and Greet location, my pet therapy group, being membership coordinator and pet therapy coordinator. But I love it. Anything for the dogs. They deserve it!
Well, I have decided to jump on the blogging wagon and create my own blogging area and get started. Hopefully this will be advantageous to someone, perhaps even myself.
Not much happening so far this week, except that traffic continues to such in Atlanta, I sometimes wish I had a helicopter (with a nice, young, handsome, pilot). But alas, I only have my Honda Pilot to whisk me back and forth from D'ville to the far ends of the earth just so I can earn a decent living!
The weekend proved to be productive. Alot of yardwork on Saturday, followed by a trip to Cartersville so that one of my greyhounds could get certified to lure course. Hounds must be certified to enter an ASFA field trial. Certification is earned by practicing with a hound of similar running style, which is evaluated by a judge. Sugar did excellent and did receive her certification. I am most proud. Now, to get her in shape for the April 2-3 SEGC trials being held at the same field. It is quite exciting watching her run around the field and she enjoys it so much.
The ultimate goal is to win titles. After a hundred points for placements, as well as taking at least two firsts, or two seconds and a first, a sighthound earns its Field Championship (FCH) title. With further placements and another three hundred points, the hound earns a Lure Courser of Merit (LCM) title. Subsequent LCMs are earned in the same way, and currently the highest achieving sighthound is a Whippet, an LCM 18.
Hounds are normally run in trios, in yellow, pink, and blue colors. Judges assess performance based on each hound's abilities, identifying hounds by their blanket color. The hounds run a preliminary course and a final course, and then may run for Best of Breed. Finally, the Best of Breed run for Best in Field, as an optional stake. The hounds are scored by the following criteria:
Follow - 15 points
Enthusiasm - 15 points
Agility - 25 points
Speed - 25 points
Endurance - 20 points
I'll be posting here on her progress as her 2nd career gets underway. My other greyhound, Remi, is going to straight race. A whole different ballgame, but still great fun for the dog. And it keeps them in shape and doing what they love to do - run like the wind!