I tell you - having a Monday holiday seems to make the week just drag and drag on. I think it's the 10 hour work days I have to do to make up for having the holiday off. Aw, the perils of being a contractor. And next week it'll be a three day week of 10 hour days followed by a five day week of 10 hour days. All to make up for the Thanksgiving holiday. Did you get that? I think I confused myself! I'll make it through it though. It's always tough this time of year with all the holidays but it's doable!
No real exciting plans this weekend except that I'm planning to go to Carrollton to see a dog show. It's suppose to have rare breeds but I think all breeds are welcome. It should be fun!
And tonight I'm meeting a few of my old comrades from my Slocum days. That should be fun as well. It's been a while and we're way overdue as we all used to meet up quite frequently.
Other than that, I plan to take it easy and get ready for the upcoming holiday. I truly enjoy cooking the Thanksgiving dinner. It only happens once a year so why not enjoy it?