Thursday, August 06, 2009

Things To Be Thankful For

I found this plaque in the spare bedroom closet. It's been some time since I saw it. Here is what it says:

Things to be Thankful For

Faith in the ultimate goodness of life.
Faith in yourself.
Faith that what you seek, you will find.
The kindness of strangers.
Thewarmth and security of home.
Expressions of unconditional love and support.
Your health.
The health of those you love.
Your boundless imagination.
Restored hope.
Answered prayers.
Following your intuition and being happy you did.
Trying something new and loving it.
The desire for knowledge.
Watching the sunset.
Meeting a kindred spirit.

Now, isn't that nice? Maybe it should go back on my desk to provide me with daily inspiration (I could use that these days) ! Pin It

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