Thursday, August 30, 2012

World's Most Perfect Dessert!

Yes, the chocolate covered strawberry is the world's most perfect dessert.  It encompasses chocolate (and who doesn't love chocolate?) and strawberries (and who doesn't love strawberries?) and it's so fast and easy to accomplish. 

In just a few minutes, you, too can whip up these special delights for your family, love of your life, or as is the case with me (sad to say), your co-workers!!  Ideally you will want to make these the day they are to be served.

I start with the biggest, freshest strawberries I can find.  Usually Sam's Club has some beauties but lately I have found the best ones at my local grocery, Kroger.

I then melt almond bark, purchased from the same grocery, Kroger, and located on the isle where baking supplies can be found. 

Depending on how many strawberries I have will depend on how much of the bark I melt.  I usually use the microwave to melt it and do it in 1-2 minute increments, stirring in between, to be sure it doesn't burn.

I use white almond bark and chocolate almond bark and dip strawberries in either.  Immediately after dipping, decorate with crushed peanuts, candy sprinkles or flaked coconut or drizzle with the opposing color almond bark.  Let dry on parchment paper.  Store in a cool, dry location

It's truly so easy and so decadent that the recipient of the fruits of your labor will honestly think you spent all night in the kitchen when, in fact, it was only minutes.

As Julia would say, "
Bon Appétit"! Pin It

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