Well, last night my good friend Kim and her husband, Guy, came to dinner along with their three greyhounds, Rosie, Lindsey, and Bella. They really love coming over and the girls enjoy seeing each other as they are also the best of friends. The original idea was to grill Bubba burgers and sit outside so all the girls could enjoy being outside with their very filled Kongs. Well, the temperature never rose to the predicted 65 degrees (in fact it was darn cold) so we had to hang inside which was just as much fun. We did grill burgers and along with that had baked fries and boiled corn on the cob. Here's a little video I took right after dinner. Remi had left the room for some peace and quite, I guess, so there are only five dogs in the video. Oh, notice who is sitting on the sofa and love seat. Well, there is one human there but the dogs have the run of the place as you can see. Sugar, there on the left on the sofa looks as if she's had way too much to drink and can't get up! Don't worry, this is normal behavior for her!
And after dinner while we were enjoying the movie Forrest Gump, we took a break to make our ice cream sundaes I had planned for dessert. I had made homemade chocolate ice cream with homemade whipped cream! Yummy, it was delicious. You can see the girls had nothing else on their minds! There were 6 dogs in the kitchen but by the time I picked up the Flip, 3 had left the room! I guess they knew they were not going to get any dessert while the 3 who remained apparently believed we would indeed, give in, which we did not!! What a night. We all had a wonderful time!
You're like a gourmet cook! Please don't tell my girls or my husband. They will be very jealous. Isn't it funny how some of the pups will just give up and go lay down. Sleep is more important than food, while others think that they can guilt you into sharing eventually. Or maybe they are working together to trip you so you spill everywhere.
Oh I love to cook as you can well tell by my figure! I need to put on my new apron I purchased and my chef's hat and snap a picture for the ole blog. You'd like the apron! And yes, I do think all the dogs wish we'd drop everything on the floor. Especially that chocolate ice cream! One weekend after it warms up a bit you guys will have to come up for a cookout! What's two more dogs?
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