Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lure Coursing

We coursed this past Saturday at the Chase trial at Old Mill Farm in Cartersville. All three girls attended, however, only Lucy coursed. She ended up taking a 2nd place out of 3! We were hoping for a first placement but that's okay. I've learned throughout the years that it's better to have a safe and healthy hound at the end of the day than a ribbon or points although the latter is always welcome! From the three trials Lucy has run in where she could earn points toward her Field Champion title, she has earned 57 points thus far. That isn't too shabby for three trials! The points are based on placement plus the number of hounds she beat in her category. Right now she is still running in Open, until she acquires 100 points and then we move to Field Champion. She is looking forward to that where she can "run with the big dogs"!

I have a video that a friend shot of her first course on Saturday. As soon as I get it, I'll load it here for your viewing pleasure.

Our next trial is the Chase trial March 15-16 at Gang Park in Calhoun and then the weekend after that is the SEGC trial March 22-23 at Bear Creek Farm in Moreland.

We have alot of conditioning to do between now and then but we are definitely up for the challenge! Pin It

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