Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Does This Worm Have to Do With A Lasso?

You are probably asking yourself that very same question. Actually yesterday my cubemate, Barbie, confided in myself and another cubemate that she spent the day on Friday chasing worms. As you can imagine, that definitely did stir the pot so we had to inquire about this worm chasing experience. You see, Barbie and her husband Russ, have a pool which is constantly being encroached upon by various critters ie frogs, moles, snakes, and of course, worms. Hey, they all like water so who could blame them? And it's a saltwater system and we all know that saltwater is very good for you.

Anyway on Friday Barbie was attempting to prevent an innocent worm from going into the "concrete pond" using a garden hose (imagine the worm's thoughts on this). In any event, whilst trying to prevent this from happening, the unfortunate DID happen! The poor worm fell into the pool and immediately was sucked up by Rover (the Polaris). Such a sad ending to an otherwise perfect day - for the worm!

We have now dubbed Barbie our resident "worm wrangler". I, too, plan to start "worm wrangling" as I start to vermicompost which is "the process of using worms and micro-organisms to turn kitchen waste into a black, earthy-smelling, nutrient-rich humus.." If I could use Barbie's black worms to start my vermicompost, I'd just ask her to wrangle me up a few and bring them to work with her one day but alas, this requires red wigglers.

My goal in the next few weeks is to find some red wigglers, and get my composting project underway. Perhaps Barbie will have a few worm wrangling tips for me! I think she could also be President of our, yet to be established club, Worm Wranglers of the Southeast.

PS - Barbie, President of the now established club, Worm Wranglers of the Southeast, is currently feverishly designing a logo for the Club. Everyone will just HAVE to have a t-shirt and a coffee mug in support of their local worm wranglers (frequently check CafePress for our shop). Go worm wranglers!! Pin It

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't make them worms too mad. I can only imagine the "cement pond" when a worm stampede happens. As the reporter said in 1936 "Oh the Humanity"