Friday, November 07, 2008


"Speed is a 1994 American action/thriller film directed by Jan de Bont, and set in Los Angeles. It focuses on police officer Jack Traven who tries to arrest an insane bomber/extortionist. After the bomber escapes, he sets up a bomb on a city bus which Traven boards and must keep moving above 50 miles per hour (80 km/h) or the bomb will explode. He endures a race against time with the help of a beautiful passenger, with whom he falls in love. The film stars Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock, Joe Morton and Jeff Daniels."

Well, yesterday, on the way home on the bus, I had a dejavu and could have sworn I had taken over the role of Sandra Bullock in the 1994 movie Speed. I was wondering where the bomb was and how incredibly calm our bus driver was during this incredible and horrifying ordeal! I kid you not!

Our GRTA bus picked us up at the Five Points Station on Pryor Street (downtown Atlanta) at 4:35 p.m. At 5:05 p.m., I was in my SUV in Hiram. And that was after a stop at the Powder Springs station to drop off about 50 folks. That, my friends, was record time!

Between the jostling back and forth from the fast movement of the bus, and being half scared to death, I did manage to sneak in the proverbial cat nap. I don't know how, but I did (remember previous post about being able to sleep anywhere, anytime)! Actually, I wasn't that scared as this particular bus driver is the one who drives that bus like its a Miata. I have full faith that she will get us to our destination and she always has, thus far!

Yesterday's trip was no exception. All I can say is - WOW!!! Pin It

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